Sunday, February 24, 2008

Portal 2!

I know this is a little behind the news but I figured better late than never. Portal 2 has been confirmed! To many of us this comes as a joy but some wonder if it will be able to succeed as a full campaign game rather than a "mini game". Personally I think if valve puts their mind to it portal 2 could be another amazing game.

There are so many possibilities with making a game like this. There is practically no way to make this game suck, unless they try to pull a halo and do the same exact thing. They should defiantly stick to the original plan but they should shake some things in it. Like maybe add a multi player function where you must use teamwork to advance through the stages, or you race to the end and the first one there wins.

One of the coolest things they could do with it would be the ability to make levels. I could spend hours setting up turrets and knocking them out in new and creative ways! Though I hesitate to say they should add guns to it because i wouldn't want it to turn into half-life but who knows! Maybe they could add another cool gun like the gravity gun or something.

Regardless I yearn for the day I bring portal 2 to the checkout line.

Original story

"Valve's acclaimed puzzle-action hybrid Portal will be given a sequel, according to the game's lead designer Kimberly Swift.
"Well, I believe Doug Lombardi who is our lead marketing director at Valve, has announced Portal 2," said Swift in an interview with G4TV.
Lombardi had previously stated that more Portal was on the way, but Swift's comment is the first mention of a true sequel to be made thus far.
No further details on the project were provided.
Portal won the Game Developers Choice Award for Game of the Year last night in San Francisco. It also took home the awards for Innovation and Best Game Design."

Share with me what you think portal 2 should include!

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