A Futuristic headset that looks like a contraption out of a Star wars will go on sale next year. This headset isn't your normal run of the mill starwars helmet. In fact it has nothing to do with star wars. It is a Neuro-headset that interprets your brain signals. No its not for mind reading, Its for video games!
This is the first consumer sold device of its kind and price estimates is only about 300$ which isn't bad considering a tv headset can cost you 500 dollars and all that does is show a picture!
This headset can be used to interpret your facial expersions and translate it on to your avatar. I personally think the coolest feature is you will be able to move around in your world just by thinking! So Geuss what you video game couch potoatoes. You no longer need to move any muscles!
There is also a gyroscope on the headset, this will allow you to move your head and see instead of having to turn all the way around. I can not wait! This is the next step in gaming and towards the reality of vitural reality.
source: BBC News
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