Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Free online game of the week: Clear Vision

Free online game of the week

I am starting something new. One free online game a week (like super Mario online).

I really liked the overall experience of this game. It had a great story line, great blood splats, and who doesn't love sniping someone? It also had a great format for a free game. I liked being able to walk in my apartment and pick up a newspaper that shows the story of the crime I just committed. There was a major flaw in this game though. Its the length. The time it took me to beat the game was under 5 minutes. It was also very easy. All you had to do was point your mouse and shoot. There was one challenging part where I had too shoot two people. I shot one and the other ran. Shooting the runner was difficult and fun. They could of made a lot more running targets.

I made this little music video that sums up the story line. If you can't tell I like system of a down.

Tell me what you think! Comment or digg!

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