I found line rider at school and like a lot of kids in my town I loved it. Such a simple but genius idea. You draw something and a little man on a sled rides it.You could draw anything you wanted and that was about it. There has been a lot of improvements since i first used it back in the simple days and now it is so much more. Now you can save and load tracks that you have been working on. You can draw scenery and detail that won't interfere with the rider. As a added bonus our school didn't block it which was a miracle for me and my Friends. We lived to much time scared we would get caught using proxy servers or such that when we found this little game we abandoned those tools.
- Fun and simple
- Is not blocked by most services
- Extremely addicting
- There are many great videos of amazing line rider videos.
- I wish there was a color option
- Extremely addicting (Not really a con)
Here's a quick line rider I made in about half a hour. I wish the video included the building segment but when I took a quick break to play COD4 I accidentally didn't save the video files.
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