Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Free online Game of the week: LineRider!

I found line rider at school and like a lot of kids in my town I loved it. Such a simple but genius idea. You draw something and a little man on a sled rides it.You could draw anything you wanted and that was about it. There has been a lot of improvements since i first used it back in the simple days and now it is so much more. Now you can save and load tracks that you have been working on. You can draw scenery and detail that won't interfere with the rider. As a added bonus our school didn't block it which was a miracle for me and my Friends. We lived to much time scared we would get caught using proxy servers or such that when we found this little game we abandoned those tools.


  1. Fun and simple
  2. Is not blocked by most services
  3. Extremely addicting
  4. There are many great videos of amazing line rider videos.


  1. I wish there was a color option
  2. Extremely addicting (Not really a con)

Here's a quick line rider I made in about half a hour. I wish the video included the building segment but when I took a quick break to play COD4 I accidentally didn't save the video files.

Please comment and/or digg!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Xbox marketplace releases free game for their crappy service.

Who the **** am I ?

Xbox live released a free arcade game because of the horrible serivce over the holidays. I downloaded it today and was rather dissapointed. It seems like a fun game but not something to really spend much time on. By the description I though it would be a fps, but it is the usual arcade like game but I decided I would still try it for the sake of the blog. After about 20 minutes into I came to a reasonable conclusion. I would easily take good service over this lame game but we all can't be choosers ,can we?

"Undertow is a fast-paced action-shooter that sends you underwater as you battle up to 16 players for control of the oceans! Non-stop conquest-style battles push the envelope of onscreen effects and combat action and boast some of the most stunning graphics ever seen in an Xbox LIVE Arcade title.
Game features include:

  • Combat control: Undertow features relentless high-speed combat with simple and intuitive controls.
  • Visual style: The incredible next-gen graphics resonate with a vibrant underwater visual style.
  • Multiplayer matches: Undertow features 16-player multiplayer battles and two-player co-op modes.
  • Races and upgrades: The game includes three different playable races, each with four unique upgradeable units.
  • Single-player campaign: The 15-level single player campaign has a compelling story told through cutscenes. "
Anyway tell me what you think by digging or comenting!

p.s its only available until sunday!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Game of the week: Clear vision 2!!

This is a the sequeal to clear vision, it had the same pros and cons,


  1. Great story line
  2. Fun controls
  3. rpg style


  1. too short
  2. too easy

Thats about it. Have fun playing it! and please dig and or comment.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I wanna say I have been on vacation or I have been sick this past week but sadly I have been just lazy so I aplogize and promise some new post soon!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Goozex.

Now this isn't new information at all. in fact it is quite old but I would like to tell you all about a great game trading website and if done correctly will cost you no money. This is the reason it is so great is because if you have some old games you wanna trade you put it on the website. Someone then requests it and you send it to him/her. You then get goozex points in return. With those points you get to choose a game and then someone ships it to you. It is very reliable and the only time you have to pay is the shipping and handling. Now most people have to pay for trade "credits" and you will to have to after some time, but if you keep getting people onto the site you get 5 free trades. And thats that.

-From your poster,
Marbles aka Dom

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Great Random Deal

Thrillville: Off The Rails (Nintendo Wii)

$32.99 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

P.s. this is not a AD!

Free online game of the week: Clear Vision

Free online game of the week

I am starting something new. One free online game a week (like super Mario online).

I really liked the overall experience of this game. It had a great story line, great blood splats, and who doesn't love sniping someone? It also had a great format for a free game. I liked being able to walk in my apartment and pick up a newspaper that shows the story of the crime I just committed. There was a major flaw in this game though. Its the length. The time it took me to beat the game was under 5 minutes. It was also very easy. All you had to do was point your mouse and shoot. There was one challenging part where I had too shoot two people. I shot one and the other ran. Shooting the runner was difficult and fun. They could of made a lot more running targets.

I made this little music video that sums up the story line. If you can't tell I like system of a down.

Tell me what you think! Comment or digg!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Cheap BioShock

(Thanks James at Nl cast for this)

Quick little tid-bit At target there will be Bioshock on sale on PC/DVD is just $24.99 at Target for a limited time through 1/21. I think thats cheap as dirt for video games, you think?


Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sony reduces PS3 production cost by half! Do I smell a price drop?

Sony has managed to reduce the manufacturing cost of the PS3 by half since its release date in November. It started as 800 dollars meaning a 200 dollars lost for Sony for each system sold. Which seems alot to you and me, but with each person buy several games and maybe a extra controller, The price starts adding up. Now they are currently selling at little or no cash lost. They did this by reducing chip size and improving general production efficiency.
Why do you care? Well besides being a interesting tid-bit, you shouldn't. Nothing has been said but maybe this will mean a price drop in the future.

"Don't expect it to come soon though. Sony are still riding a bit of a wave with regards to PS3 sales and with a number of high profile games coming out in the next few months, that can only improve.

Friday, January 11, 2008


I would like to say hello to the people who read this blog, however many there might be. So well Im just gonna start posting but first I would like to say a few things I will try to post atleast three times a week about games and such, also I have contacted some of my podcasting buddies and I am asking them to help advertise. Ok now thats that out of the way I will start. Oh sorry one last thing, before I forget I will try to post some topics about saving money on gaming and such but I would like to leave that more to Allen and I will try to post up some big news on the systems.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

How someone wants to sabotoge my blog

I could kill myself right now. You wanna know why? Well I'll tell you anyway:
So I am typing away writing
"Sorry about the not posting in a while, because as you know I have been working on a post for a week or so.What I just did will change that, I go on the computer and click out of something that popped up and began to finish up the article. Wait, Allen! That window you just exited was your post you have been working on forever!"
and I am about to click "Save" when my Internet randomly dies and lose all that data. It wasn't a big loss but I think there's someone out there who really doesn't want me to blog! I'm sure by now most of you think I am just making another excuse for not blogging, and I am but this ones for real.

Now , For for a little article to wet your whistle. I found a great website at
This website is really useful for finding cheap products. (like video games) What you do is type in a product and click find and a pop-up automatically brings you to eBay where fat fingers has searched almost every spelling error someone makes! For example I want halo 3. I type in halo 3 on fat fingers. If anyone in the world has spelled their product wrong like haelo 3 It will show. Almost guaranteeing you A cheap deal since no one in the world searches halo 3. Basically you will be given exclusive access to horrible spelling sellers on eBay.

I have heard some great testimonies about this product but I haven't' had the best of luck with it maybe cause I have been request to easily spelled words.

Tell me how much you saved!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

A Week!

Its been a whole week since My last post. Don't worry though I am still alive. Anyway you will have your next post by tommorow tuesday night. I have found a couple of post that I somehow forgot to put up that I am putting the final touches on. Thanks!