Well I wasn't going to make an article about the new green PC that everyones making a fuss about, because of its low performance, but I really wanted to write about it so I have been trying to think of a good reason to include this in my blog but then I thought to myself
" It's my darn blog I will put whatever the heck I want in it."
Anyway Everex has come out with the TC2502 Green gPC Available at Walmart for 199$ Which as you know this is extremely cheap. Everex Has made this computer with energy saving technology and recycle materials. This and its price make it a great selling item especially for the "well informed" Walmart shopper who will look at the price tag and buy one only thinking of the great deal they are getting. Granted most people that would buy it either know what they are doing and buying it for experiments or a server, or the only thing they will be doing is simple documents and emails.
The gPC does come with some nice features
- 1.5 GHz Via Technologies C7-D processor ( energy saving )
- gOS Software Applications and operating system ( LINUX )
- DVD-ROM/CD-RW drive
- 512 MB of DDR2 system memory
- 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
- 80 GB hard disk drive
It also comes with a mouse, keyboard and speakers.
Everex came out with a laptop version for 300 dollars. Well Its No gaming pc but maybe I'll get one to blog on the go.

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It really is amazing how cheap computer have gotten. Although I tend to be at the power gamer spectrum of things. At least with the types of games I play, not really the number of hours I play them.
The computer and laptop you posted might not really be "gaming rigs" but they will bring many families much closer to current technologies.
I don't know about gaming, but it is probably well suited for the non-power users (grandmas, non-techie types).
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